Monday, May 23, 2011

Very Efficient Modular Home: mkLotus

by Justin Thomas on July 17, 2007
mkLotus is the latest modular home by Michelle Kauffman, who is the architect of the Sunset Breezehouse. This home incorporates a truly impressive list of green elements. Starting at the top, you’ll find a green “living” roof, and a solar power system that provides 100% of the home’s power. It also has a rainwater catchment system and a gray water system (water collected from sinks and shower is recirculated to toilets). The home is built with efficient, green materials, and it uses LED lighting throughout, along with efficient fixtures and appliances. You can check out all the details here.

Also, because this home is modular and it built off-site in a factory, 50%-70% less waste is generated during construction.
The mkLotus will be on display at Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco during West Coast Green in September.


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